
Sunscreen Sensitivity? It’s A Possibility!

Sunscreen Sensitivity? It’s A Possibility!

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........ The Sunscreen Craze Has Arrived! What is the obsession with sunscreen? Someone, please tell me. It is in everything these days, whether you want it or not. Nope, no personal choice here, it is done for you! Is it the...

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Essential Oils Mania! Harmless???

Essential Oils Mania! Harmless???

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says.......It is Essential Oil Mania! Incredible marketing, extensive exposure, promises of healing health issues, maybe killing bacteria, aromatherapy scents, yet there are a few problems no one is talking about on the web. First of all,...

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Hair Products & The Migraine Connection?

Hair Products & The Migraine Connection?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says.......Migraines, Migraines, Migraines! Stabbing brain pain, horrible nausea, vomiting repeatedly, 'keep those lights away from me' feeling, and a vice grip on your head tells the typical - Migraine Story. OMG!! Migraines come on so...

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Eczema Is Caused By Sensitivities?

Eczema Is Caused By Sensitivities?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says......Eczema? Hypersensitive? Is it possible to use these two words in the same sentence? Yes! It is certainly worth considering a different way to look at eczema since most traditional methods are far from curing this chronic problem....

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Stomachaches, Constipation, Cramping, IBS?

Stomachaches, Constipation, Cramping, IBS?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........My Stomach Hurts! Chronic stomachaches, diarrhea, constipation, and cramping are the complaints of many people. What is causing all this discomfort? Well, we can call it "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" or "IBS", I suppose, yet this...

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Are My Shoes Causing My Back Pain?

Are My Shoes Causing My Back Pain?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........Shoes? Are those shoes really that innocent? Could they be causing your foot and back pain? Hmmmm.....Yes indeed! Let's break them down to the fundamentals. They are often made of rubber, leather, tannic acid, cloth, synthetic...

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Can You Be Sensitive To Supplements?

Can You Be Sensitive To Supplements?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........Oh Holy Supplements!! We are so busy trying to find supplements with superior quality, more absorb-ability, more natural products, less inactive ingredients, no food coloring, and even wanting them to be found in the jungles of...

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Flax Seed & The Stomachaches It Causes!

Flax Seed & The Stomachaches It Causes!

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says.........About 98% of the people I test are sensitive to flaxseed! After eating flax, many people have digestive discomfort, stomachaches, gas/bloating, diarrhea, cramping, constipation, brain fog, etc. Flaxseed is really for cows! I...

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Which Is Better? Vegetable Wash Or Plain Ol’ Water?

Which Is Better? Vegetable Wash Or Plain Ol’ Water?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........What happened to washing vegetables with water and a brush? It is amazing how marketers have convinced us that washing vegetables in water is not enough anymore! It worked for years, so why not now? So many people are highly...

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Hand Sanitizers? What Happened to Soap & Water?

Hand Sanitizers? What Happened to Soap & Water?

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says........What happened to "Hand Washing With Soap & Water? If you take a professional medical exam, a common question asked is, “What is the number one way to prevent infection? The answer is: #1 Wash your hands with soap and water!...

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Golf Club Hand Grips & Your Poor Golf Game!!

Golf Club Hand Grips & Your Poor Golf Game!!

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says.........Have you ever played a decent game of golf, and after getting a new custom set of clubs, your game is the “worst” it has ever been? Have you considered the “hand grips” being the cause? I have seen this problem with many people,...

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Makeup & Lotions Chemicals Create Acne & Rashes!

Makeup & Lotions Chemicals Create Acne & Rashes!

"Everyday Symptoms Relief Says.......The chemicals allowed in makeup and skin products are a major problem for most of us! Yes, your acne, dry skin, eczema, rashes, hives, sinus infections, ear infections, and dandruff might be caused by your blush, foundation or...

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