“Everyday Symptoms Relief Says……..Oh Holy Supplements!! We are so busy trying to find supplements with superior quality, more absorb-ability, more natural products, less inactive ingredients, no food coloring, and even wanting them to be found in the jungles of South America! We are driving ourselves crazy. And, we continue to separate the cheap supplements from the expensive, liquids from tablets and trying to find different ways of deciphering the good from the bad.
Everyday Symptoms Relief Says……”There is one thing we keep forgetting to ask, “Are we/Can we be sensitive to Supplements?” YES, even to Vitamin B, C, D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Amino Acids, and the list goes on for a very long time. Here is a little rule about sensitivities: We can NOT absorb or metabolize something we are hypersensitive too! Our Immune System, a collection of reactions/not a true system, which is similar to a Computer’s Operating System, does not recognize something it is sensitive to and has no idea what to do with it! This explains our deficiencies found in lab tests….huh? It’s as if the Immune System has lost the directions on what to do with it. So we “reboot” the body with the lost information by fixing the sensitivity, and now it can absorb it! Just as we would if our computer crashes, we reboot it…..right? It is exactly the same concept. Until you fix the sensitivity, the body will not utilize the supplement and just stores the byproducts in the body fat as toxins.