“Everyday Symptoms Relief Says……The Spotlight Is On >>>>>> Food Chemicals! Are they really a problem for us? So many people are screaming fowl when they see high fructose corn syrup and un-sprouted grains. These are the least of our worries! Things like artificial flavoring, xanthine gum, sodium nitrate, aspartame, whiten-all, and food coloring are a few of the real culprits. Then, we find ourselves running from MSG and it’s 35 different names, plus the best one lately is “natural flavoring!” It better be the juice of a lemon or a mint leaf, or I am not calling it ‘natural’ at all!
“Everyday Symptoms Relief Says……These chemicals are in our breakfast cereals, deli meats, frozen yogurts, coffee drinks, bacon, those healthy granola bars, and even foods in the health food store! Don’t be fooled! It is so confusing for all of us, even for me, and it seems like there are very little governmental regulations saying ‘STOP’ to the food manufacturers. This country allows so many food chemicals to be used, yet Europe, England, and Australia are less tolerant! But, the truth is, we can not blame the government for everything since our lifestyles seem to demand foods that are not refrigerated, on-the-go breakfast sausage and egg sandwiches, protein bars, and bean burritos, foods with amazing ‘out-of-this-world’ flavors, pre-packaged and frozen TV dinners, and chewing gum that bursts in our mouths! Food manufacturers want us to buy their products, our lifestyle dictates what is made by them, yet what is the ‘price we pay’ with our health?
“Everyday Symptoms Relief Says…..The real question is, “Are many of our unexplained symptoms caused by eating food chemicals?” My answer to this question is a resounding YES! Now, please understand that everyone has their own way to express their sensitivities, and it is usually a collection of symptoms we have seen periodically. We are all different. Familiar to me personally are symptoms like clearing my throat, acid reflux, burping, belching, different degrees of diarrhea, cramping, back pain, fibromyalgia pain, brain fog, fatigue, bloating, and gas. Thank goodness these symptoms are in the past for me. For you, it might be migraines, asthma, eczema, the bottom of your feet hurt, anger outbursts, depression, congestion, insomnia, runny nose, sneezing or even ADD-like symptoms. If you stop eating foods with chemicals, the symptoms will stop, but how can we live like this long term? This decision would mean never eating out in a restaurant again! But, surprise! We don’t have to live like this anymore since there is a way of fixing it! Now, I can eat anything without a reaction, which was absolutely life-changing for me! Interested in learning more?